God: The Great Abstract Artist

God and Adam

Created in His Image

You might pride yourself on being a rather creative abstract artist and you wanted to produce exceptionally original and creative work, maybe some installation abstract art. So you took your dog and painted his snout red and blue and said, “Look at my new abstract installation art!

I’m so original.”

You may be disappointed to discover that that clever work had already been done. The original Artist did this using the baboon. (He also has a sense of humor.)

What? You thought that was an accident? Evolution? A random anomaly? Of course not. It was done on purpose! He’s an Artist! An Abstract Artist at that. Why is the human form so wonderfully and beautifully crafted? Mere utility? Consider your closest loved one. I don’t care how old they are or how much ‘mileage’ they’ve got. They’re beautiful, aren’t they? Is that an accident?

Why do leaves turn colors in the fall? Why does the bark peel on birch and sycamore trees? Why do we have such a wondrous variety of flora and fauna? Why isn’t the Grand Canyon all one color? Happenstance?

(We can go on and on with the examples!)

It’s a feast for the eyes! It’s pure aesthetics! It’s a gift. A gift from God, the Great Abstract Artist!

Don’t I mean Realist? Absolutely not! Where did the inspiration come from for all these wonderful works of Abstract Art? Did He copy them from another God, from another world? Au contraire! It all came from His own imagination; it’s all designed from scratch. And a great deal of His work is purely abstract! What an imagination! What vision! What drama, serenity, beauty, passion, poetry…

I can imagine that sometimes, as He watches a realist painter copy one of His landscapes exactly as he sees it, He wants to say aloud, “Come on, guys, I created you with endless imagination, the capacity for design, the ability to craft and the passion to create magnificent works of art, all on your own. Why do you insist on copying mine?”

“Go forth and create anew!”

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